目次 Task 1 Introduction Task 2 Using Sqlmap Which flag or option will allow you to add a URL to the command? Which flag would you use to add data to a POST request? There are two parameters: username and password. How would you tell sqlma…
目次 Task 1 What is Penetration Testing? Read me! Task 2 Penetration Testing Ethics You are given permission to perform a security audit on an organisation; what type of hacker would you be? You attack an organisation and steal their data,…
目次 Task 1 Web Application Security Read the above and learn how to hack BookFace, TryHackMe's vulnerable social media site. What is the username of the BookFace account you will be taking over? Hack the BookFace account to reveal this ta…
目次 Task 1 Welcome To TryHackMe Task 2 Offensive Security What is the name of the career role that is legally employed to find vulnerabilities in applications? Task 3 Defensive Security What is the name of the role who's job is to identif…
目次 Task 1 Welcome To TryHackMe Read Me and Proceed! Task 2 Offensive Security What is the name of the career role that is legally employed to find vulnerabilities in applications? Task 3 Defensive Security What is the name of the role wh…
目次 Task 1 Introduction Go to Shodan.io Task 2 Filters How do we find Eternal Blue exploits on Shodan? Task 3 Google & Filtering What is the top operating system for MYSQL servers in Google's ASN? What is the 2nd most popular country for …
目次 Task 1 Introduction Are you ready? Task 2 Reconnaissance What tools did the attacker use? (Order by the occurrence in the log) What endpoint was vulnerable to a brute-force attack? What endpoint was vulnerable to SQL injection? What p…
目次 Task 1 Open for business! Deploy the VM attached to this task to get started! You can access this machine by using your browser-based machine, or if you're connected through OpenVPN. Once the machine has loaded, access it by copying a…
Task 1 Intro Task 2 Deploy! Task 3 Checksums 101 Name the term for an individual piece of binary What are checksums also known as? Name the algorithm that is next in the series after SHA-256 According to this task, how long will you need t…
Task 1 INTRODUCTION Task 2 TIP-OFF What username does the attacker go by? Task 3 RECONNAISSANCE What is the full email address used by the attacker? What is the attacker's full real name? Task 4 UNVEIL What cryptocurrency does the attacker…
Task 1 Introduction Task 2 Login What is John's password? Task 3 Analysis When was the machine last shutdown? What did John write? Task 4 TrueCrypt What is the TrueCrypt passphrase? この記事は、DeepL翻訳を利用して和訳しています。 www.deepl…
Task 1 Intro Task 2 Host Enumeration How many ports are open on the target machine? What is the http-title of the web server? What version is the ssh service? Task 3 Web Enumeration Recommended wordlist: big.txt What is the name of the imp…
Task 1 Deploy the machine! Task 2 Flags, flags, flags! Flag 1 Root Flag Task 1 Deploy the machine! Kali Linuxを起動します。 Task 2 Flags, flags, flags! Flag 1 まずnmapを実行します。 # nmap -p- <$TARGET_IP> 21番ポート(ftp)、22番ポート(ssh)…
Task 1 Intro & Enumeration First things first, connect to our network and deploy the machine. Use nmap to scan the network for all ports. How many ports are open? Take a look on the website, take a dive into the source code too and remembe…
目次 Task 1 Find the Flags What is the Web Directory you found? what is the file name you found? what is the FTP Password? what is the file name with SSH password? user.txt root.txt Task 1 Find the Flags What is the Web Directory you found…
目次 Task 1 I'm attacking what now? Task 2 Discovering the Lay of the Land Scan the machine with Nmap. What non-standard service can be found running on the high-port? Further enumerate this service, what version of it is running? Visit th…
目次 Task 1 Web App Testing and Privilege Escalation Find the services exposed by the machine What is the name of the hidden directory on the web server(enter name without /)? User brute-forcing to find the username & password What is the …
目次 Task 1 Hydra Introduction Task 2 Using Hydra Use Hydra to bruteforce molly's web password. What is flag 1? Use Hydra to bruteforce molly's SSH password. What is flag 2? この記事は、DeepL翻訳を利用して和訳しています。 www.deepl.com Tas…
目次 Task 1 Pull the lever, Kronk! Task 2 ...I'm supposed to scan with that? First and foremost, what switch do we use to set the target host? Websites don't always properly redirect to their secure transport port and can sometimes have di…
目次 Task 1 Pwn Enumerate the machine. How many ports are open? What service is running on port 21? What service is running on ports 139 and 445? There's a share on the user's computer. What's it called? user.txt root.txt Task 1 Pwn Try to…
目次 Task 1 What is the Purpose of Malware Analysis? Task 2 Understanding Malware Campaigns What is the famous example of a targeted attack-esque Malware that targeted Iran? What is the name of the Ransomware that used the Eternalblue expl…
目次 Task 1 Lazy Admin What is the user flag? What is the root flag? Task 1 Lazy Admin What is the user flag? とりあえずnmapを実行します。 nmap -sV -sC <$IP> 22番(ssh)と80番(http)の2つのポートが解放されています。 80番ポートが解放されてい…
目次 Task 1 OhSINT What information can you possible get with just one photo? What is this users avatar of? What city is this person in? Whats the SSID of the WAP he connected to? What is his personal email address? What site did you find …
目次 Task 1 Translation & Shifting 暗号 : c4n y0u c4p7u23 7h3 f149? 暗号 : 01101100 01100101 01110100 01110011 00100000 01110100 01110010 01111001 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 …
目次 Task 1 Deploy Task 2 Root It user flag Task 1 Deploy Virtual Boxを実行して接続する Task 2 Root It ファイルインクルージョン(File Inclusion)は、Webサーバ上のデータに対し入力検証の不備を突いて不正なスクリプトを挿入する攻撃手法である。 …
目次 Task 1 Pickle Rick What is the first ingredient Rick needs? Whats the second ingredient Rick needs? Whats the final ingredient Rick needs? Task 1 Pickle Rick What is the first ingredient Rick needs? まずnmapを実行 # nmap -sV -sC -v -o…
何年も前から「ハッカー」になりたい。と思っているだけでダラダラ毎日過ごしています。本屋で「ハッキング」関連の書籍を購入してページ通り動くと上機嫌。うまくできないと「そのうちできるさ!」なので全然上達しません。(笑) これではいけないと思い、と…