
TryHackMe(THM):Pentesting Fundamentals

目次 Task 1 What is Penetration Testing? Read me! Task 2 Penetration Testing Ethics You are given permission to perform a security audit on an organisation; what type of hacker would you be? You attack an organisation and steal their data,…

ryHackMe(THM):Learning Cyber Security

目次 Task 1 Web Application Security Read the above and learn how to hack BookFace, TryHackMe's vulnerable social media site. What is the username of the BookFace account you will be taking over? Hack the BookFace account to reveal this ta…

TryHackMe(THM):Starting Out In Cyber Sec

目次 Task 1 Welcome To TryHackMe Task 2 Offensive Security What is the name of the career role that is legally employed to find vulnerabilities in applications? Task 3 Defensive Security What is the name of the role who's job is to identif…